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Τάσος Μαχαίρας


Στη διάρκεια υπερβολικής δόσης στην Νέα Υόρκη το 1968

Tom's Time Line

1949 - Born Anastasios Mahairas in Thessaloniki, Greece

1957 - Migrates to New York

1965 - Becomes submerged in the drug culture and the hippie movement 

1968 - Conversion at Word of Life

1970 - Graduates from Institute of Christian Service, Bob Jones University

1971 - Marries Victoria Riccardella

1974 - Begins Manhattan Bible Church

1977 - Begins Spanish Ministry

1978 - Founded Manhattan Christian Academy

1982 - Founded Transformation Life Center

1985 - Founded New York Gospel Outreach

1987 - Founded The Love Kitchen

1996 - Founded Citivision, Inc.

1998 - Purchases 250 acres of camp property Hudson Valley Region

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